Fall Lawn Care Tips

October 10, 2014 | Grass, Lawn Care, posted by Sasha

Copyright: elenathewise / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: elenathewise / 123RF Stock Photo

As summer fades and we find ourselves firmly planted in fall (even though it’s still quite warm in Texas), many people are starting to push lawn care to the back of their minds. Soon, temperatures will be cooling and once winter arrives, you may be less inclined to spend time in the yard at all. But don’t forget that your grass still needs attention in autumn! In fact, taking proper care of your grass now will actually lead to a lusher, healthier lawn come springtime. Our tips can help you get there!

Adjust the mowing height

When it starts to get colder outside, many people are tempted to neglect their lawn. Try to resist this temptation! Your grass still needs to be mowed during the fall months. You may need to adjust the blade height, though. If you were leaving your grass slightly longer in the summer to prevent heat damage, you can return the mower blades to their normal height again. Once the temperatures start to really cool off near the end of fall, drop the mower deck to its lowest setting. Cutting your grass shorter in autumn prevents it from matting under fallen leaves (and snow, if you’re in a colder climate). Just be careful not to trim the grass too short, however. A good rule of thumb is to never cut more than one-third off the grass blades.

Lay sod grass

Laying sod is an easy, convenient way to fill in bare spots in your yard with dense, lush grass. Although you can lay sod at any time of year, spring or early fall are the best times to do so because the cooler temperatures and more frequent rainfall help the grass grow and root easily. Summer heat and drought can be too stressful on the sod.

Rake fallen leaves

Raking the leaves is the first thing that comes to mind when most people hear “autumn yard work.” But raking isn’t just another seasonal chore; it actually has a lot of benefits for your grass’s health. When leaves are left in your yard, they block out sunlight and air, which encourages lawn disease. Removing these leaves will prevent lawn disease from forming during the winter. Try to spread out the raking throughout the season instead of waiting until all the leaves have fallen and formed a super thick layer. Otherwise, the leaves might start clumping together with the rain and morning dew, consequently suffocating your grass.

Control weeds

Was your lawn suffering from perpetual weeds all summer long? Act now to ensure that pesky weeds don’t return in the spring. During autumn, all plants (weeds included) start storing more and more moisture to maximize their energy for winter. Applying pre-emergence weed control in early fall will inhibit weeds from germinating later in the fall and throughout winter. While there is no way to prevent every single weed from sprouting up, you can greatly reduce their chances of returning with the proper pre-emergence and lawn care.

If you’re in need of fresh, dense turf to rejuvenate your lawn, call The Grass Outlet today for assistance!